THE TRAVEL OF TOMORROW: Local travel, committed long-distance travel or mass tourism?

Today, travel agencies, travelers, local partners and many other players in the tourism sector gravitate in a world composed mainly, or even only, of variables. Questions are multiplying, and are even accumulating as the summer period approaches. The lack of information and official directives in the short term rightly frustrates everyone. Tensions are palpable, desires just as much and uncertainties are now part of everyone’s daily life. Meanwhile, however, the travel of tomorrow is being redesigned!

What if…?
What if what we are currently experiencing completely changed the situation?
What if this turbulent period ushered in a new era?
And what if this also impacted the very notion of travel?
What if…?

A new reality for tomorrow’s travel?

In this magma of question marks, among other things, the vision of tomorrow’s travel arises. Has the current reality caused the necessary and long-awaited spark for an awakening of consciences? Many are delighted by this possible emergence of changes in mentalities, lifestyle habits, desires and needs. Many are enthusiastic about the idea of initiating change for a life “differently”. This projection into a healthier, greener, more respectful future at all levels, pleases and delights of course! Some are moving towards more local, more thoughtful consumption, … All integrated into a short circuit that seems to become essential! This dynamic deeply permeates many citizens and should therefore, just as logically, induce a deep reflection on travel, its usefulness and its impacts.

Promises of Another Tomorrow: Will These Desires for a Different Life and Travel Become Reality?

What change is expected in the field of travel? Some are clearly and strongly announcing their decision to travel differently, to invest more intensely in the field of tourism described as slow, eco, sustainable, etc. Local getaways are now popular, accountability and reflection on “how to travel” are essential and are making a lasting impression on people’s minds. They say they are looking for meaning and authenticity and advocate the return of “truth” to society. Of course, others will return to their routine for comfort, necessity or many other legitimate reasons. Does this mean that the seeds of awakening sown in recent years, and sometimes for much longer, will never germinate? Does this necessarily imply an absence of change, however small? Will nothing be put in place once the return to “normal” has begun? Are we even certain that a first small step towards a different future has not been taken? Respecting each person’s progress, at their own pace and in line with their reality, is essential. This is not the time for guilt or judgment. Every little step counts, let’s remain convinced of that!

Hopes for designing a committed, ethical and sustainable journey of tomorrow

The various players in the sector will probably have to continue juggling between diametrically opposed reactions, oscillating between the desire for slow, local travel with a reduced environmental and societal impact, and so-called mass tourism, sometimes approached without much thought.

The life of Tomorrow inscribed in respect for the Living

Emotion Planet - travel of tomorrow - travel differently - alternative travel The hope of a reversal of the tourist trend leading the traveler to move towards committed and conscious discoveries is allowed. The hope of a profound shift at the level of the population itself, of a real awareness of the challenges of the current situation and of the possible remedies for the construction of a more committed future, is real. Our choices today will help us build our life tomorrow, we are now all convinced of it. Tomorrow is taking shape, at all levels, in harmony with the Other and in respect of the Living. A powerful exaltation is felt in this possibility of a total redistribution of the cards of each person towards a conscious future, even if many hopes will undoubtedly remain at the stage of utopias.

Adaptation and resilience for a meaningful journey of tomorrow

Adaptation, without forgetting respect for fundamental values, will be the watchword of tomorrow. Adapting to this reality now revealed in broad daylight, to the desires and needs of wanderers will allow us to find the right place in this necessary evolution and this process of awareness.

The slow journey to the heart of the movement

Slowness, simplicity, proximity, humanity, nature, responsibility, sustainability and creativity are among the words that will now sing in our ears and resonate more and more intensely in our consciences.

The reduction of mass tourism which is harmful to the planet

The 20th century saw the birth of mass tourism. Will the 21st century allow tourism that cares for others to take its place? This global shock will have consequences, particularly sociological ones, but no one can definitively predict the direction this change will take. Who can say with certainty that the future will be great and that decisions will take the path of collective well-being and sustainability? Very often, there is a big difference between declarations, intentions and actual actions taken. For the moment, tourism is convalescing. After a period of withdrawal, it is gradually opening up to its destiny. This will probably have been conducive to the development of the notions of discovery of proximity, social cohesion, resilience and the creation of a tourist economy based on strong values and creativity. Let’s trust each other! Let’s move forward together, step by step, at our own pace, to allow the travel of tomorrow to take shape sustainably! Gabrielle, for Emotion Planet

Travel differently eco-responsible sustainable Morocco transhumance