General Terms and Conditions of Sale

You are about to take part in an Emotion Planettrip, and we would like to thank you for your confidence in our organization. For legal reasons, we are obliged to apply the general conditions of the Commission de Litiges Voyages de Belgique (valid in all countries of the European Community) (cf. § 1) and to send you the information sheet relating to the organization of package tours (cf. § 3). These 2 elements are standardized and are intended to define the framework of the contract between us. We also invite you to carefully read our special conditions of sale (cf. § 2). The latter details the cost of fees in the event of modification and/or cancellation of the trip on your part.
Tip: to be reimbursed for these fees (in the event of a justified reason), all you need to do is take out cancellation insurance.
In practice, Emotion Planetsimply undertakes to behave like a “good family man”, based among other things on ethics and respect for the individual. We expect the same from you.

General Terms and Conditions of Sale
(General conditions of the Belgian Travel Disputes Commission of November 2017)

Article 1 Scope of application
These general conditions are applied to package travel contracts booked from July 1, 2018 as defined by the Law of November 21, 2017 relating to the sale of package travel, related travel arrangements and travel services.

Article 2 Information from the organizer and retailer before concluding the package travel contract
2.1. L‘organisateur ainsi que le détaillant communiquent au voyageur, avant qu‘il ne soit lié par un contrat de voyage à forfait, les informations standard légalement prévues ainsi que les informations mentionnées ci-après dans le cas où elles s’appliquent au voyage à forfait :
1° the main characteristics of the travel services:
a) the destination(s), itinerary and periods of stay, with dates and number of nights included;
(b) the means, characteristics and categories of transport, the places and dates and times of departure and return, the duration and location of stopovers and connections; when the exact time is not yet fixed, the traveler is informed of the approximate time of departure and return;
c) the situation, main characteristics and category of accommodation under the rules of the country of destination;
d) meals provided;
e) visits, excursions or other services included in the total price agreed for the package tour;
f) where it is unclear, whether the travel services will be provided to the traveler as part of a group;
g) the language in which other tourism services will be provided;
h) if the journey is, generally speaking, suitable for people with reduced mobility.
2° the total price of the package trip and, if applicable, all additional costs that the traveler may still have to bear;
3° the payment terms;
4° the minimum number of people required to carry out the package trip and the deadline for possible termination of the contract in the event that this number is not reached;
5° general information concerning the conditions applicable to passports and visas, including the approximate duration for obtaining visas, as well as information on health formalities;
6° the statement indicating that the traveler may terminate the contract upon payment of termination fees;
7° information on cancellation insurance and assistance insurance.

2.2. Le professionnel veille à ce que le formulaire d’information standard approprié soit fourni au voyageur.

2.3. Les informations précontractuelles communiquées au voyageur font partie intégrante du contrat de voyage à forfait. Elles ne peuvent pas être modifiées, sauf par accord commun des parties contractantes.

Article 3 Information from the traveler
3.1. La personne qui conclut le contrat de voyage à forfait doit fournir à l’organisateur et au détaillant tous les renseignements utiles qui pourraient influencer la conclusion du contrat ou le bon déroulement du voyage.

3.2. Si le voyageur fournit des renseignements erronés qui entraînent des coûts supplémentaires pour l’organisateur et / ou le détaillant, ces coûts peuvent lui être portés en compte.

Article 4 The forfait
4.1. Lors de la conclusion du contrat de voyage à forfait ou dans un délai raisonnable, l’organisateur ou s’il y a un détaillant, ce dernier, fournit au voyageur une copie ou une confirmation du contrat sur un support durable, comme par exemple un mail, un document papier ou un pdf.
The traveler is entitled to request a paper copy if the package travel contract is concluded in the physical and simultaneous presence of the parties.

4.2 The package travel contract or its confirmation contains the entire content of the agreement, which includes all the information referred to in article 2 and the following information:
1° the particular requirements of the traveler which the organizer has accepted ;
2° the fact that the organizer is responsible for the proper execution of all travel services included in the contract and that he has a duty of assistance;
3° the name of the entity responsible for insolvency protection and its contact details;
4° the name, address, telephone number and email address of the local representative of the organizer, or of another service through which the traveler can quickly contact the organizer to request assistance if the traveler is in difficulty or to complain about any possible non-compliance;
5° the obligation for the traveler to communicate any non-compliance he notices during the trip;
6° information allowing direct contact to be established with an unaccompanied minor or the person responsible for the minor at the place of stay;
7° information on internal complaints handling procedures;
8° information on the Travel Disputes Commission and on the EU online dispute resolution platform;
9° information on the traveler’s right to transfer his contract to another traveler.

4.3. En temps utile avant le début du voyage à forfait, l’organisateur remet au voyageur :
1° receipts;
2° the necessary vouchers and tickets;
3° information on the planned departure time and, if applicable, the check-in deadline, the planned times of stopovers, connections and arrival.

Article 5 The Price
5.1. Après la conclusion du contrat de voyage à forfait, les prix ne peuvent être majorés que si le contrat prévoit expressément cette possibilité.
In this case, the package travel contract specifies how the price revision is calculated.
Price increases are only possible if they are the direct consequence of a change:
1° the price of passenger transport resulting from the cost of fuel or other energy sources, or
2° the level of taxes or fees on the travel services included in the contract, imposed by a third party who does not directly participate in the execution of the package trip, including tourist taxes, embarkation and disembarkation taxes in ports and airports, or
3° exchange rates in relation to the package trip.
If the possibility of an increase is provided for, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction corresponding to any reduction in the costs referred to above.

5.2. Si la majoration du prix dépasse 8 % du prix total le voyageur peut résilier le contrat sans payer de frais de résiliation.

5.3. Une majoration du prix n’est possible que si l’organisateur la notifie avec une justification et un calcul, sur un support durable, comme par exemple un mail, un document papier ou un pdf, et ce au plus tard vingt jours avant le début du voyage à forfait.

5.4. En cas de diminution du prix, l’organisateur a le droit de déduire ses dépenses administratives du remboursement dû au voyageur. À la demande du voyageur, l’organisateur apporte la preuve de ces dépenses.

Article 6 Paiement du priArticle 6 Payment of the price
6.1. Sauf convention expresse contraire, le voyageur paye, à titre d’acompte, à la conclusion du voyage à forfait, une fraction du prix total du voyage fixé dans les conditions particulières de voyage.

6.2. Sauf convention contraire le voyageur paye le solde du prix au plus tard un mois avant le départ.

6.3. Dans le cas où le voyageur, après avoir été mis en demeure, resterait en défaut de payer l’acompte ou le prix du voyage qui lui est dûment réclamé, l’organisateur et/ou le détaillant a le droit de résilier de plein droit le contrat qui le lie au voyageur et de mettre les frais à charge de celui-ci.

Article 7 Transfer of the package travel contract
7.1. Le voyageur peut céder le contrat de voyage à forfait à une personne satisfaisant à toutes les conditions applicables à ce contrat, à condition :
1° to inform the organizer and possibly the retailer via a durable medium such as for example an email, a paper document or a PDF, as quickly as possible and at the latest 7 days before the start of the package trip and
2° to bear any additional costs caused by this transfer.

7.2. Celui qui cède le voyage à forfait et celui qui le reprend sont solidairement responsables du paiement du solde du prix ainsi que des frais supplémentaires éventuels occasionnés par cette cession. L’organisateur informe celui qui cède le voyage des coûts de la cession.

Article 8 Other modifications by the traveler
The organizer and/or retailer may charge the traveler for any costs resulting from other changes requested by the traveler and accepted by the organizer and/or retailer.

Article 9 Modifications to the contract by the organizer before the trip
9.1. L’organisateur ne peut pas, avant le début du voyage à forfait, modifier unilatéralement les clauses du contrat de voyage à forfait autres que le prix à moins que:
1° the organizer has reserved this right in the contract, and
2° the modification is minor, and
3° the organizer does not inform the traveler on a durable medium, such as an e-mail, a paper document or a pdf.

9.2. Si, avant le début du voyage à forfait, l’organisateur se trouve contraint de modifier, de façon significative, une ou plusieurs des caractéristiques principales des services de voyage ou s’il ne peut pas satisfaire aux exigences particulières du voyageur qui sont confirmées ou s’il propose d’augmenter le prix du forfait de plus de 8 %, il informe le voyageur :
1° the proposed changes and their impact on the package price ;
2° the fact that the traveler may cancel the contract without paying cancellation fees, unless he accepts the proposed changes;
3° the time limit within which it must communicate its decision to the organizer;
4° the fact that if the traveler does not expressly accept the proposed modification within the specified time, the contract is automatically terminated, and
5° if applicable, the proposed alternative and its price.

9.3. Lorsque les modifications du contrat de voyage à forfait ou le voyage à forfait de substitution entraînent une baisse de qualité du voyage à forfait ou de son coût, le voyageur a droit à une réduction de prix adéquate.

9.4. Si le contrat de voyage à forfait est résilié conformément à l’article 9.2 et que le voyageur n’accepte pas d’autre forfait, l’organisateur rembourse tous les paiements effectués au plus tard quatorze jours après la résiliation du contrat.

Article 10 Cancellation by the organizer before the trip.
10.1. L’organisateur peut résilier le contrat de voyage à forfait:
1° if the number of persons booked for the package tour is less than the minimum number specified in the contract and the organizer notifies the traveler of the cancellation of the contract within the period specified in the contract, but at the latest:
a) twenty days before the start of the package tour in the case of tours lasting more than six days;
b) seven days before the start of the package tour in the case of tours lasting between two and six days;
c) 48 hours before the start of the package tour in the case of tours lasting no more than two days,
2° if he is prevented from performing the contract due to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances and notifies the traveller of the cancellation of the contract before the start of the package tour.

10.2. Dans ces cas l’organisateur rembourse le voyageur des paiements effectués pour le voyage à forfait, sans être tenu à un dédommagement supplémentaire.

Article 11 Cancellation by the traveller
11.1. Le voyageur peut résilier le contrat de voyage à forfait à tout moment avant le début du voyage à forfait. Lorsque le voyageur résilie, il peut lui être demandé de payer à l’organisateur des frais de résiliation.

The package travel contract may stipulate a standard cancellation fee, calculated on the basis of the date of cancellation of the contract prior to the start of the package travel and the expected cost savings and income from the reinstatement of the travel services concerned.
In the absence of a standard cancellation fee, the amount of the cancellation fee corresponds to the price of the package tour minus the cost savings and income realized as a result of the travel services being made available again.

11.2. Le voyageur a le droit de résilier le contrat de voyage à forfait sans payer de frais de résiliation, si des circonstances exceptionnelles et inévitables, survenant au lieu de destination ont des conséquences importantes sur l’exécution du voyage à forfait ou sur le transport des passagers vers le lieu de destination. En cas de résiliation du contrat de voyage à forfait en vertu du présent article, le voyageur a droit au remboursement intégral des paiements effectués au titre du voyage à forfait mais pas à un dédommagement supplémentaire.

11.3. L’organisateur rembourse tous les paiements effectués par le voyageur ou en son nom endéans les quatorze jours, le cas échéant diminués des frais de résiliation.

Article 12 Non-conformity during the journey
12.1. Le voyageur informe l’organisateur, sans retard, de toute non-conformité constatée lors de l’exécution d’un service de voyage inclus dans le contrat de voyage à forfait.

12.2. Si l’un des services de voyage n’est pas exécuté conformément au contrat de voyage à forfait, l’organisateur remédie à la non-conformité, sauf si cela:
1° is impossible, or
2° entails disproportionate costs, taking into account the extent of the non-compliance and the value of the travel services concerned.
If the organizer does not remedy the non-conformity, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction or compensation in accordance with article 15.

12.3. Si l’organisateur ne remédie pas à la non-conformité dans un délai raisonnable fixé par le voyageur, celui-ci peut y remédier lui-même et réclamer le remboursement des dépenses nécessaires. Il n’est pas nécessaire que le voyageur précise un délai si l’organisateur refuse de remédier à la non-conformité ou si une solution immédiate est requise.

12.4. Lorsqu’une part importante des services de voyage ne peut être fournie comme prévu, l’organisateur propose, sans supplément de prix pour le voyageur, d’autres prestations, si possible de qualité égale ou supérieure.
If the other services offered result in an inferior package tour, the organizer will grant the traveler an appropriate price reduction.
The traveler may only refuse the other services offered if they are not comparable to what was agreed in the package travel contract, or if the price reduction granted is not appropriate.

12.5. Lorsqu’une non-conformité perturbe considérablement l’exécution du voyage à forfait et que l’organisateur n’y remédie pas dans un délai raisonnable fixé par le voyageur, ce dernier peut résilier le contrat de voyage à forfait sans payer de frais de résiliation et demander, le cas échéant, une réduction de prix et/ou un dédommagement.
If the package tour includes passenger transportation, the organizer also provides the traveler with repatriation services.
If it proves impossible to offer alternative services or if the traveller refuses the alternative services offered, the traveller is entitled, where applicable, to a price reduction and/or compensation, even without cancellation of the package tour contract.

12.6. Lorsqu’il est impossible, en raison de circonstances exceptionnelles et inévitables, d’assurer le retour du voyageur comme prévu dans le contrat de voyage à forfait, l’organisateur supporte les coûts de l’hébergement nécessaire pour une durée maximale de trois nuitées par voyageur.

12.7. La limitation des coûts, visés dans 12.6, ne s’applique pas aux personnes à mobilité réduite, aux personnes les accompagnant, aux femmes enceintes, aux mineurs non accompagnés, ni aux personnes nécessitant une assistance médicale spécifique, à condition que l’organisateur ait été prévenu de leurs besoins particuliers au moins 48 heures avant le début du voyage à forfait.

12.8. L’organisateur ne saurait invoquer des circonstances exceptionnelles et inévitables pour limiter sa responsabilité si le prestataire de transport concerné ne peut se prévaloir de telles circonstances en vertu de la législation applicable de l’Union européenne.

12.9. Le voyageur peut adresser des messages, demandes ou plaintes en rapport avec l’exécution du voyage à forfait directement au détaillant par l’intermédiaire duquel le voyage à forfait a été acheté. Le détaillant transmet ces messages, demandes ou plaintes à l’organisateur sans retard excessif.

Article 13 Passenger’s liability
The traveller is liable for any loss or damage caused to the tour operator and/or intermediary, their employees and/or representatives, through his fault or as a result of the non-performance of his contractual obligations.

Article 14 Liability of the organizer or professional
14.1. L’organisateur est responsable de l’exécution des services de voyage compris dans le contrat de voyage à forfait, indépendamment du fait que ces services doivent être exécutés par lui-même ou par d’autres prestataires de services de voyage.

14.2. Lorsque l’organisateur est établi en dehors de l’Espace économique européen, le détaillant établi dans un État membre est soumis aux obligations imposées aux organisateurs sauf s’il apporte la preuve que l’organisateur remplit les conditions stipulées dans la loi du 21 novembre 2017.

Article 15 Price reduction and compensation
15.1. Le voyageur a droit à une réduction de prix appropriée pour toute période de non-conformité des services fournis, sauf si l’organisateur prouve que la non-conformité est imputable au voyageur.

15.2. Le voyageur a droit à un dédommagement approprié de la part de l’organisateur pour tout préjudice subi en raison de la non-conformité des services fournis. Le dédommagement est effectué sans retard excessif.

15.3. Le voyageur n’a droit à aucun dédommagement si l’organisateur prouve que la non-conformité est due:
1° to the traveller ;
2° to a third party not involved in the provision of the travel services included in the package travel contract and this non-conformity is unforeseeable or unavoidable, or ;
3° exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.

Article 16 Obligation to provide assistance
16.1. L’organisateur apporte sans retard excessif une assistance appropriée au voyageur en difficulté notamment :
1° by providing useful information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance;
2° by helping the traveler to make remote communications and find other travel services.

16.2. L’organisateur est en droit de facturer cette assistance si cette difficulté est causée de façon intentionnelle par le voyageur ou par sa négligence. Le prix facturé ne dépasse en aucun cas les coûts réels supportés par l’organisateur.

Article 17 Complaints procedure
17.1. Si le voyageur a une plainte avant le départ, il doit l’introduire le plus vite possible et de façon probante auprès de l’organisateur ou du détaillant.

17.2. Les plaintes qui surviennent durant l’exécution du contrat de voyage à forfait doivent être introduites le plus vite possible sur place, de manière appropriée et pouvant servir de preuve, afin qu’une solution puisse être recherchée.

17.3. Les plaintes qui n’ont pas été résolues sur place de façon satisfaisante ou qu’il était impossible de formuler sur place doivent être introduites sans retard après la fin du voyage auprès de de l’organisateur ou du détaillant de manière pouvant servir de preuve.

Article 18 Conciliation procedure
18.1. En cas de contestation, les parties doivent d’abord tenter de trouver un arrangement à l’amiable entre eux.

18.2. Si cette tentative de règlement à l’amiable n’a pas réussi, chacune des parties concernées pourra s’adresser au secrétariat de l’asbl Commission de Litiges Voyages pour entamer une procédure de conciliation. Toutes les parties doivent marquer leur accord.

18.3. Le secrétariat procurera aux parties un règlement de conciliation et un « accord de conciliation ».

18.4. Conformément à la procédure décrite dans le règlement, un conciliateur impartial prendra contact avec les parties pour poursuivre une conciliation équitable entre elles.

18.5. L’accord éventuellement atteint sera acté dans une convention liant les parties.

Article 19 Arbitration or Tribunal
19.1. Si aucune procédure de conciliation n’a été entamée ou si celle-ci a échouée, la partie plaignante peut engager une procédure d’arbitrage devant la Commission de Litiges Voyages ou une procédure devant le tribunal.

19.2. Le voyageur, qu’il soit partie demanderesse ou partie défenderesse, n’est jamais obligé d’accepter la compétence de la Commission de Litiges Voyages.

19.3. L’organisateur ou le détaillant qui est partie défenderesse ne pourra refuser une procédure d’arbitrage que si les montants revendiqués dépassent les 1.250 euros. Il dispose pour cela d’un délai de 10 jours civils à dater de la réception de la lettre recommandée ou du courriel avec accusé de réception signalant l’ouverture d’un dossier d’un montant de 1.251 euros ou plus à la Commission de Litiges Voyages.

19.4. Cette procédure d’arbitrage est soumise à un règlement des litiges, et peut être entamée après l’introduction d’une plainte auprès de l’entreprise même dès qu’il s’avère qu’une solution amiable n’a pu être trouvée ou dès que 4 mois se sont écoulés à partir de la fin (prévue) du voyage (ou éventuellement à partir de la prestation qui a donné lieu au litige). Les litiges concernant les dommages corporels ne peuvent être réglés que par les tribunaux.

19.5. Le collège arbitral, composé paritairement rend une sentence contraignante et définitive, conformément au règlement des litiges. Aucun appel n’est possible.

Secretariat of the Travel Disputes Commission
: +32 (0)277 62 15 (9am to 12pm) ; ; City Atrium, Rue du Progrès 50, 1210 Brussels

from travel agency EMOTION PLANET

Emotion Planet’s special conditions apply to sales of travel services from July 1, 2018 and form an integral part of the contract. They supplement the general conditions of the Commission de Litiges Voyages, the provisions of the Law of November 21, 2017 on the sale of package travel and, where applicable, the contractual conditions of the suppliers of the travel services.

Emotion Planet travel
By taking part in an Emotion Planet trip, the traveler :
– opts for a style of travel off the beaten track that favours encounters and exchanges;
– confirms that he understands the travel philosophy and shares the same spirit and values that drive Emotion Planet;
– is fully aware that during this trip, he/she may run risks inherent to the very nature of the trip (dangers of navigation, of the sports practiced, of traffic, …) and accepts them with full knowledge of the facts;
– is aware that adaptability and sharing are essential ingredients for the success of his stay and that of the people traveling with him;
– is committed to respecting the people we meet, their culture and their environment.

Travel offer
Emotion Planet’s travel offers are drawn up in good faith and according to available data. The maps, photos and illustrations included in these offers are provided for information purposes only.
Emotion Planet has the right to cancel an offer, temporarily or permanently.

Contract formation
As Emotion Planet does not provide an order form, the contract between the traveler and Emotion Planet takes effect when Emotion Planet sends the traveler an e-mail confirming receipt of the funds paid by the traveler. These funds can be either the amount of the travel deposit (registration more than 60 days before the departure date), or the full amount of the trip (registration less than 61 days before the departure date).

Emotion Planet is not responsible:
– costs incurred as a result of unforeseen events such as new regulations, accidents, mechanical problems with vehicles other than the private vehicles allocated to our trips, strikes, epidemics, rebellions or wars, etc. (non-exhaustive list). These costs are borne by the traveler;
– loss or theft of travel documents, airline tickets or passports during transport by courier companies or the post;
– excursions paid for locally by the traveler. These are not part of the travel contract.

Use of passenger data (RGPD)
The information and personal data that the Traveler communicates to Emotion Planet allows Emotion Planet to offer the best possible service.
This information is only used within the strict framework of Emotion Planet. Where applicable, Emotion Planet will always request prior written authorization from the traveler.

Required documents
All travelers must have an international travel passport. It is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure that his or her travel documents are valid and compliant. Identity cards and/or passports must be valid for at least 6 months following the date of return. For all travelers (Belgian or non-Belgian), information should be obtained from the embassy or consulate of the countries concerned. Non-Belgian travellers must also contact their embassy or other diplomatic body.
Children under the age of majority must have their own passport. (For further information, please contact the local authorities).

It is the responsibility of each traveler to :
1° find out about health formalities in the country you are visiting;
2° to inform Emotion Planet of any inaptitude and/or health concerns.
Emotion Planet reserves the right to cancel the travel contract of travellers who are not fit to complete the trip.

Specific wishes
Requirements that are conditional on the conclusion of a travel contract (e.g. equipment for the disabled, special hotel, etc.) must be expressed when the order is placed, i.e. before the contract is concluded.
Emotion Planet will do its utmost to fulfill the traveler’s specific wishes and requests that are not part of the travel contract (e.g. connecting rooms, car rental brand, etc.). However, Emotion Planet cannot be held responsible if these are not fulfilled.

Services payable on site
For services payable on site, prices in foreign currencies are given for information only.

Airline companies
Departure and arrival times are indicative and subject to change. Passengers must always bear in mind that timetables may be changed, brought forward or delayed, both before and during the journey, without prior notice. Likewise, it is the passenger’s responsibility to present himself/herself on time for boarding and to have all travel documents at hand.
An airline’s obligations are limited to getting a passenger from one point to another as quickly as possible, and to providing you with decent food and accommodation if your journey takes longer than expected after you have checked in. It is also possible that certain services will not be provided, particularly on departure or return days. In such circumstances, the traveler is not entitled to any reimbursement for services not rendered.
Airport taxes vary from one airport to another and are charged for each airport (departure, arrival or transit). A change in itinerary may result in a change in total airport taxes. This change will be reflected in the price of the trip. Airport taxes payable from abroad are at the customer’s expense (not included). Security taxes vary according to airline and may change during the season. Taxes valid at the time of publication are included in the airfare.
Airlines may change their prices and/or booking conditions without prior notice. This change will be reflected in the price of the trip.

Loss of or damage to baggage during flights
In the event of loss or damage to baggage, travellers must report immediately to the Lost Properties department at the airport, before clearing customs, where a document (Property Irregularity Report or Damage Report) is drawn up. Without this document, it is very difficult to receive compensation.

Emotion Planet considers it compulsory to take out comprehensive travel insurance, including vacation cancellation and break-up insurance, assistance, hospitalization, repatriation and baggage insurance. Emotion Planet has the right to refuse participation to a traveler who does not have travel assistance (repatriation) insurance.

Travel price
Trip prices are subject to change up to the date of departure. These modifications are always the result of one or more of the following factors beyond our control: modification of the exchange rate between the Euro and the local currency, modification of air taxes, modification of the cost of fuel and/or of fees and taxes relating to certain services, modification of the final number of participants in the trip, etc.

Payments can be made in 3 ways: in cash at the Emotion Planet branch, by bank transfer or by online payment. In the case of online payment, additional fees may be charged by the supplier.

In the event that the traveler receives them before having made payment, Emotion Planet invoices are payable upon receipt to the bank details shown at the bottom of the page.

Down payment
– if registration is made more than 60 days before the departure date, unless expressly agreed otherwise, the deposit to be paid at the time of registration is €500 per person.
– if you register less than 30 days before departure, the full price of the trip must be paid at the time of registration.

Balance: except in the case of rental and/or express agreement to the contrary,
– The balance of the stay must be paid no later than 40 days before the departure date;
– the balance of all special services (e.g. cruises, flights, etc.) must be paid by the customer on the day the order is placed.

Emotion Planet has the right to apply a surcharge and/or refuse travel to a traveler who does not respect payment deadlines. In the latter case, Emotion Planet will reimburse the traveler for the cost of the trip, minus the cost of any reservations that can no longer be cancelled and the cost of any work already carried out.

Assignment of contract
In some cases, the transfer fee may be equivalent to the cost of booking a new travel service. For example, in the case of non-transferable airline tickets.

Non-conformity and assistance during the trip
In the event of non-conformity discovered during the execution of a travel service included in the package tour contract, the traveler is required to inform immediately and in writing the local retailer and Emotion Planet, either by e-mail or by a written letter given to the tour leader.
A written complaint, sent immediately, enables Emotion Planet to get all the facts, without distortion, to react in time and to resolve the non-conformity as best it can.

Modifications and/or termination of the contract by Emotion Planet

1° Prior to the trip, by taking part in an Emotion Planet trip, the traveller accepts that our offers / pre-contractual information (prices, programs and conditions) may be modified, in particular for reasons of material errors and/or obvious price errors.
2° Prior to the trip, in the event of a significant modification to the contract, the traveller wishing to terminate the contract must notify Emotion Planet by registered letter within 7 working days of the significant modification being sent.
3° During the trip, itineraries and programs are established in good faith. Unforeseeable circumstances linked to the organization of the trip may necessitate modifications during the trip for the good and safety of the participants. The local guide is the only one able to make this decision, and no one can hold Emotion Planet responsible for these modifications.
4° Social rules: published trips are small-group trips. To ensure the smooth running of the trips and a positive atmosphere within the group during the trip, the traveler must demonstrate social behavior. Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, any aggression or violence towards other travelers, the guide or driver, as well as very sloppy personal hygiene on the part of a traveler are not tolerated. This measure is intended to protect other travelers. Emotion Planet and its suppliers reserve the right to exclude from the trip any traveler who violates these rules of social conduct. In this case, the traveler at fault ceases to be entitled to benefits. In the absence of wilful misconduct and/or fault on the part of the traveler, the travel organizer will reimburse the participant for any services not provided. However, the travel organizer is entitled to deduct administrative expenses and/or handling fees from the refund.
5° Accompanying staff and local guides may temporarily or permanently exclude from activities and/or the program a participant whose physical condition does not allow the program to run smoothly and/or endangers other travellers. Except in the case of wilful misconduct and/or fault attributable to the traveler, the trip organizer will reimburse the participant for any services not provided. However, the organizer is entitled to deduct administrative expenses and/or booking fees from the refund.
6° Emotion Planet reserves the right to exclude from the activities and/or trip any participant who demonstrates psychic, psychosomatic, mental or nervous disorders, including anxiety states, depression, neurosis or psychosis, and who does not allow the program to run smoothly, particularly if this participant endangers other travelers or his or her own health. Any services not provided will be reimbursed to the participant by the travel organizer. However, the organizer is entitled to deduct administrative expenses and/or handling fees from the refund.

Modifications and/or cancellation of the contract by the traveller prior to departure
The traveler may modify or cancel the contract at any time. If he/she modifies or terminates the contract for a reason for which he/she is responsible, the following cancellation/modification fees will apply.
Requested modifications are subject to availability and price adjustment.

In the event of cancellation of the trip, the traveler must inform Emotion Planet by registered letter. The letter must contain the following sentence: “I, the undersigned, Mr/Mrs X, hereby confirm my cancellation of trip Y from xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xx”. The date of cancellation is the date of the postmark. Emotion Planet may, by agreement, accept an e-mail instead of a registered letter.

Please note that compensation may amount to a maximum of one time the price of the trip, and that cancellation costs may be covered by cancellation insurance. If you would like more information about insurance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1. The cancellation charges detailed below must be paid by the traveler, even if the cancellation is due to a fortuitous event or force majeure. All amounts are per person:

– more than 90 days: 25% of the total cost of the booking, plus the 100% charge imposed by the airlines in the event of cancellation of tickets already issued.

– Between 89 and 41 days: 50% of the total cost of the booking, plus 100% of the cost of air travel in the event of cancellation of tickets already issued. – Between 40 and 22 days: 75% of the total cost of the booking, plus 100% of the cost of air travel imposed by the airlines in the event of cancellation of tickets already issued. – Between 21 days and the day of departure: 100% of the total cost of the booking. Cancellation of a booking by some of the participants registered together for a trip or arrangement is equivalent to cancellation of the entire contract, so that the amounts referred to above are payable by all travellers. Should the remaining participant(s) enter into a new contract with Emotion Planet, the price may be revised upwards according to the new number of participants.

2. Costs of changes made by the traveller

– Requested changes are subject to availability and possible price adjustments. – We will invoice all costs resulting from a request for changes or modifications expressly requested by the traveler. Where feasible, requests for changes to a booked trip are accepted subject to payment by the traveler of:
a) cancellation/modification fees imposed by the airlines 11. airlines and/or service providers and/or hotels
b) any upward adjustment to the initial package price based on the new confirmation data In addition to the 2 above-mentioned points, the following costs may be added: – room type (e.g. from double to twin) change from double to twin room) / Meal plan / Vehicle category / Language of travel documents / Traveler name / One or more hotels Fees applicable per person:
– More than 90 days before departure: + € 50.00
– Between 89 and 41 days before departure: + € 75.00
– Between 40 and 22 days before departure: + € 150.00

– From 21 days before departure: + € 250.00

More substantial modifications, such as a change of travel date or destination, will be considered as a complete cancellation (see cancellation conditions). will be considered as a complete cancellation (see cancellation conditions). If a requested modification is unavailable or if the new price is not accepted, the traveler must in all cases pay the cancellation fees.

Unless otherwise stipulated, any notification under the travel contract must be made by postal e-mail to Emotion Planet’s head office: 26 rue de Thy, 1470 Baisy-Thy.

Complaints must be submitted by registered letter with all supporting documents. Complaints will be handled in accordance with article 16 of the General Conditions of the Travel Complaints Commission. The value of services not obtained will be reimbursed only on presentation of a certificate issued by the service provider, clearly specifying the services eligible for reimbursement and not provided to the customer.
For disputes not resolved by the Disputes Commission, the Courts of Nivelles have jurisdiction.

Insolvency insurance

Emotion Planet is insured against the risk of financial insolvency by the Fonds de Garantie Voyages (Avenue de la Métrologie 8 1130 Brussels- Belgium ; tel. +32-(0)2/240.68.00 ; )

Publisher: Filippin David


Information form for package travel contracts

The combination of travel services offered to you is a package tour within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, transposed by the Act of November 21, 2017 on the sale of package travel, related travel services and travel services.
You will therefore benefit from all the rights granted by the European Union applicable to package tours. EMOTION PLANET will be entirely responsible for the proper execution of the entire package tour.