When and how can I travel with Emotion Planet?
Do you like to travel alone or with friends, and don’t want to open up your stay to other travelers?
- Choose the destination of your dreams.
- Confirm your departure dates.
- Make your reservation now.
The procedure is simple and effective.
- Choose the destination of your dreams.
- Confirm your departure dates.
- Make your reservation now.
- Open up your trip to other travelers by placing an ad.
This type of travel offers a number of advantages, such as
- competitive pricing;
- creating a dynamic that changes the way you look at travel;
- a different view of oneself and of others;
- increased interactivity during meetings with the local population.
Whether you’re on your own or simply want to share the adventure of travel with others?
- Join an existing group
- Place a “Traveler looking for Traveler”
- Let us know what you would like to do so that we can put you in touch with other travelers.